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The Chinese Women performed by the Trickster Theatre performance

October 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17; November 12, 13, 14, 26; December 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 2021; January 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2022

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Gluck’s music was often played at the court of Catherine the Great and in the home theatres of her nobles.

Audiences will have the opportunity to hear this currently rare performed work in a puppet opera format and to learn about the popular opera genres of the era (opera seria, opera buffa, pastorale), style and manners typical of the European salons of the late 18th century in a playful way.

The performers in the show will be puppets with special mechanisms, creating a three-dimensional and moving soundscape. The baroque theatre has always been an engine of progress, an investor, and a customer of new technology. The creators of The Chinese Women follow the Baroque tradition not only in its music – they create an opera rich in modern theatre technology.

Christoph Willibald Gluck’s chamber opera The Chinese Women is staged by the famous Trickster puppet theatre in Moscow. The Trickster has two Golden Masks for opera productions under its belt. This elegant salon piece, a mini-opera about opera, will combine the Baroque beauty created by the Bekritskaja sisters, renowned artists in Russia and Europe, with the futuristic concept of the directors of The Trickster, Vyacheslav Ignatov and Maria Litvinova.

You’ll hear Gluck’s spectacular and ironic opera in Russian, translated by Katerina Pospelova. And the soloists of the INTRADA vocal ensemble, the soloists of the Persimfans orchestra, and the musical director of the production, conductor, and multi-instrumentalist Peter Aidu, are responsible for the authentic beauty of the score in this performance. They are all titled specialists in the 18th-century music.

This project – like everything the Trickster does – aims to promote the genre among the widest possible audience.

The show is a co-production of Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve and the Trickster Theatre.

Age limit: 12+



Где проходит занятие?

Занятие проходит в Большом дворце музея-заповедника «Царицыно». Организатор табличкой встретит участников у касс в подземном помещении главного входа в музей (стеклянный павильон между Хлебным домом и Большим дворцом). Мы рекомендуем прийти за 15 минут до начала занятия.

Какая одежда нужна для занятия?

Дресс-код – удобная одежда, не мешающие процессу творчества и сменная обувь.

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Нужен ли QR- код для входа на занятие?

Музей-заповедник «Царицыно» ­- зона COVID free, поэтому родителям для входа на мастер-классы, предполагающие участие родителя и ребенка, понадобится QR-код или ПЦР-тест (срок действия теста – три дня). Детям QR-код и ПЦР-тест не понадобится.

Могу ли я попасть на выставку «Театрократия. Екатерина II и опера» по билету на мастер-класс?

Входной билет на мастер-класс дает право посещения выставки-фестиваля «Театрократия. Екатерина II и опера» без просмотра VR-спектакля.

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